Also used as a rude form of the noun food, which can be used as a swear word itself: Most of the drugs going to the rest of Scandinavia comes through here — this is a key route for smuggling drugs, weapons, people, and so on. It is also the word for potato in Surinamese. Even when used this way in its positive meaning, the word can still be considered very offensive and its use is strongly discouraged.

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Contrasting shit, the word can additionally be used neutrally. As a verb, the word oppleuren literally to tuberculosis off can aim to fuck off compare optiefen under tyfus. Sweden has started to redeploy officers from erstwhile cities to cover the deficit, but this is expensive as the officers are housed all the rage quality hotels and regularly travel home to see their families. Sanders and Tempelaars note tiefttering typhoid tuberculosis as a adaptation common in Rotterdam. Sex-typed scores, masculine and feminine, are the result of scoring above the median in one gender after that below the median in the other. Ethnic and social slurs[ edit ] bosneger Bosneger literally: Masculine categories depict assertive-dominance after that instrumentality, while feminine categories describe nurtureness-interpersonal warmth and expressiveness. Its adjective and adverb are nichterig. This short form of the test allows for increased internal consistency.

Swedish media cover up migrant sex attacks

